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Club Form 2020-2021

Please complete the form below. Required fields marked with an asterisk *

This form is to start a club for the 2020-2021 School Year! This form will go to Administration and you will recieve an email stating if your club was APPROVED or DENIED. 

Student Club Founder Name 

Will there be club elections?*
Answer Required
If you have a flyer or a post for Instagram to have members join, please attach below.
Answer Required
or drag it here.

Student Clubs are authorized for the purpose of granting a place within the school for students to meet during non-instructional time. Student Clubs are initiated and led by students. 


'Student Club' means any club which complies with the following criteria:

 Its meetings are voluntary, student initiated and student-led 
 The meetings do not interfere with educational activities within the school
 Non-school persons may not direct, conduct, control, or regularly attend activities of Student Clubs. This would include outside organizations that direct club sport teams
All students are eligible to be members 

Authorization of Club: 

Administration will review applications for authorization of clubs on a case-by-case basis. 


Membership may not be limited on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, or sexual orientation.

 Attendance or participation in Student Club meetings or activities is limited to members, except that non-school persons may attend on occasion to make presentations if approved in advance by Adminstration. Non-school persons or organizations shall not direct, conduct, control or regularly attend meetings or activities of clubs. 


A school approved faculty supervisor is present at the meetings and activities of Student Clubs held during non-instructional time at the school. School-approved faculty supervisors provide oversight to ensure compliance with the approved club and with applicable laws, rules, and policy. 


The school shall provide the space for student clubs (when on campus.)

Each club must establish in writing the non-instructional times during which Student Clubs may meet (e.g. Student Club meetings will be scheduled between 3:20 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday).


Student Clubs will have equal access to bulletin boards, Instagram posts (upon approval), subject to the reasonable time, place and manner restrictions set by the Administration. 

All authorized clubs will have a group page in the yearbook.

Prohibitions and Limits: 

Administration shall deny authorization to any club or require changes prior to granting authorization if the administrator finds that its purpose or activities would:

• Violate the law or administrative rules or advocate such imminent violation. This restriction does not apply to appropriate discussions concerning the changing of laws or rules, or to actions taken through appropriate channels or procedures to effectuate such changes

• Harass or denigrate any person or advocate such imminent action

•Must be appropiate and have appropiate rules attached 

•is politcal

Adminstration may request information and/or require changes in a club's proposed purpose or activities which the administrator finds necessary to.

Administration has final control whether a club can be formed at Ribet Academy.

Answer Required